Shel Holtz’s book on blogging

July 31, 2006

Just read about Shel Holtz’s book on blogging:

Blogging for Business: Everything You Need to Know and Why You Should Care. Shel Holtz, Ted Demopoulos. Kaplan Publishing. 288 pages. $21.95.

The establishment of company Web logs — blogging — is an increasingly popular and effective way for businesses to convey information while attracting and engaging existing and potential customers in an informal and practical setting. Both of these books provide good discussions of existing blogs and successful — if not best — practices. Both also would serve as useful introductions if you’re unfamiliar with the subject or unsure how they would fit in with your company’s overall marketing communications strategy.

I’ve known Shel for several years, ever since I contacted him when I first started writing Now Is Too Late. Even had the pleasure of having breakfast together in San Jose area. Here’s Shel’s blog
I haven’t read his book on blogging yet but I know it is good stuff. And since he was kind enough to interview me for his podcast, I’m very happy to return the favor and plug his book.

Best of luck, Shel!